I don't really know. All I can tell you is the first time it became a problem for me and other women was when men starting barging into women's toilets and changing rooms bold as brass, smirking, and we were made aware there was nothing we could do about it as they had claimed self ID as a woman. And when I say men I mean they look like a steretypical man and acted like a predatory man.
What I can tell you though is I have since educated myself as much as possible (though I don't claim in any way to be an expert), prior to this, anyone wanting to transition and get a gender recognition certificate in the UK had to get a formal diagnosis from an expert professional. So I understand transwomen with GRC have been using women's spaces for years and there have been zero issues. So if there is zero issues then I don't have a problem with that. So if it went back to that then I would be happy with that.
Would you be happy with that?